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Gloria Nauden

Miembro de la Junta y Director Ejecutivo

Captura de pantalla 2023-05-15 en

Tendani Mpulubusi

Junta Directiva


Harvey Yancey



John Whitman

Consejo Asesor


Haciendo cosas reales

Nuestra misión: investigar, desarrollar e implementar estrategias de equidad económica hiperlocal e intergeneracional a través de asociaciones estratégicas e inversiones en empresas comerciales que crean riqueza para los residentes nativos del Distrito 8 en lugar de extraer riqueza del Distrito 8. Recopilamos conocimientos únicos a nivel de base y seleccionamos presentarlos a las comunidades de políticas y financiación.


DCCDC sirve como un grupo de expertos para crear equidad económica estructural en Washington DC, impulsado por profesionales académicos y de base que operan con la sabiduría adquirida a partir de experiencias de la vida real. Centrándonos particularmente en el Distrito 8, nuestro análisis concluyó que los servicios sociales han sido durante mucho tiempo el enfoque dominante para mejorar el bienestar de los residentes nativos del Distrito 8. Sin embargo, la necesidad de establecer anclajes económicos comerciales en el Distrito 8 a través de asociaciones e inversiones hiperlocales, no extractivas, multisectoriales e intergeneracionales se ha pasado por alto como un elemento necesario para el bienestar de la comunidad. Más bien, la mayor parte de la inversión comercial en el Distrito 8 ha sido en forma de desarrollo inmobiliario comercial o residencial, lo que crea pocos empleos a largo plazo y contribuye al aumento constante de las presiones económicas que desplazan a los residentes nativos del Distrito 8.



La necesidad es grande

In D.C., White Families Are on Average 81 Times Richer Than Black Ones. Other major cities aren't much better. The wealth discrepancy between blacks and whites is one of the most stark examples of inequality in America. White American families have, on average, around $142,000 in savings and assets, minus debt.


The Urban Institute report, “The Color of Wealth in the Nation’s Capital,” said the Great Recession and housing crisis of 2007 to 2009 exacerbated long-persistent disparities, with black and Hispanic households losing about half of their wealth. In 2013 and 2014, white households in the D.C. area had a net worth of $284,000 while black households had a net worth of $3,500, the report said. Hispanics had a net worth of $13,000. Again, net worth is the value of assets minus debt.


The racial wealth gap in America is a complex and multifaceted issue that has deep historical roots. Several factors contribute to the persistence of this gap, and it's important to consider both historical and contemporary elements. Here are some key factors:


1. Historical Injustices: Slavery, segregation, and discriminatory policies have had a lasting impact on the economic opportunities available to different racial groups. For much of American history, Black individuals faced systemic barriers to wealth accumulation, such as being denied access to education, property ownership, and employment opportunities.


2. Redlining and Housing Discrimination: The practice of redlining, which involved denying loans or insurance to people based on their race or neighborhood, disproportionately affected Black communities. This prevented many Black families from buying homes in desirable and appreciating areas, hindering their ability to build generational wealth through homeownership.


3. Unequal Employment Opportunities: Discrimination in hiring and promotion processes, along with disparities in income levels, contribute to the wealth gap. Occupational segregation and wage gaps persist across racial lines, affecting the ability of certain groups to accumulate wealth over time.


4. Education Disparities: Unequal access to quality education, starting from the historical segregation of schools to present-day disparities, affects earning potential and the ability to build wealth. Limited educational opportunities can perpetuate economic disparities between racial groups.


5. Criminal Justice System: The over-policing and mass incarceration of Black individuals can have lasting economic consequences. Criminal records can make it difficult for individuals to secure employment and housing, contributing to the cycle of poverty.


6. Wealth Transfer and Inheritance: The ability to inherit wealth plays a significant role in overall wealth accumulation. While White families where given hundreds of thousands of acres in land grants, Black families never even received the promised 40 acres and a mule.  Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s successor and a sympathizer with the South, actually overturned the Order in the fall of 1865, and, as Barton Myers sadly concludes, “returned the land along the South Carolina, Georgia and Florida coasts to the planters who had originally owned it” — to the very people who had declared war on the United States of America. Historical and systemic factors have meant that many Black families did not have the same opportunities to build and pass down wealth across generations.


7. Systemic Discrimination: Ongoing systemic discrimination, whether intentional or unintentional, continues to affect access to economic opportunities, financial services, and capital for marginalized communities.


Addressing the racial wealth gap requires comprehensive and systemic efforts, including policy changes, educational reforms, and initiatives aimed at promoting economic opportunities for historically marginalized communities. It's important to recognize and address both historical injustices and contemporary factors to work toward a more equitable society.


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